Sunday, March 26, 2017

Teacher Questions Completed and Emails Sent

Hi everyone,

As of this week, I have completed the questions I am going to be using to interview teachers. Although I would like to discuss the questions I chose and why I chose them, I can't just yet in case some of the teachers I've emailed are reading my blog.

The main focus of these questions is to find out what teachers already know and don't know about grit and growth mindset. This is what would be known as an exploratory study. The reason I am taking this approach instead of going into schools and working with students is because I would not be able to present accurate results because of time restrictions.

If you recall from a few blog posts ago, I talked about the profound effect teachers have on the non-cognitive aspects of learning. For example, if a teacher is absent often, students are more likely to be absent. This also applies to grit and growth mindset, by interviewing teachers I hope to educate them on this topic and hopefully, they will implement these strategies in their classrooms.


  1. How many teachers will you be talking to?

    1. I've already contacted 10 teachers at BASIS, I hope that most of them will get back to me in a timely manner so I can start interviews ASAP. Ideally, I'd like to interview 40 - 50 teachers from a variety of schools.

  2. Are you going to be classifying the teachers in anyway? Distilling them into their own categories?

    1. Hopefully, this all depends on if I can get into other schools. If I can, I would divide them up by SES to determine if schools in higher income areas know more about this than schools in lower SES.

  3. Hi Nic. I just wanted to let you know that you did a great job composing your questions for the survey. I won't give anything away here, but they were thought provoking, and were another reminder for me to always be cognizant of my impact on the potential of my students.

    - Ms. Holtzman
